Sunday, April 22, 2012

Evaluation of The Hunger Games

Evaluation of The Hunger Games

The movie, The Hunger Games, is based on the book by Suzanne Collins and was made into a movie in 2012. It is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in District Twelve. After bombings and wars, North America turned into a country called Panem. Panem was split up into thirteen districts, but when district thirteen rebelled, the Capitol created something called the Hunger Games. The Games are an annual event where two tributes from the twelve districts are put into an arena and are forced to fight till their death, until there is one remaining victor.
Katniss Everdeen volunteering in her sisters
            There is a day called “reaping day”, where the two tributes are chosen. On the day of reaping in district twelve, Katniss’s little sister was chosen and Katniss volunteered in her place. The movie is about her fight to stay alive and make it back to her family. She goes through many obstacles and faces things that she never thought she would have to deal with. It is a great story about fighting for your beliefs with a hint of romance and action. The movie, The Hunger Games, is a good movie because the acting was good, the plot was interesting and intriguing, the action, and the special effects.

            Every movie has positive and negative aspects. One big aspect of a movie is the acting. Besides the actual story, people focus on the characters and how they are acting. The three main characters all play their roles honestly and truly make you feel as if everything is real. Katniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence plays a role as a girl fighting for her life and freedom, and she is a very talented actress that moves her audience. Peeta Mellark played by Josh Hutcherson plays a love stricken boy, who can manipulate his audience into making them feel certain emotions. Lastly, Gale Hawthorne played by Liam Hemsworth, plays the role of the protective and loving friend. Right from the beginning, Liam’s acting abilities makes the audience love him and he plays a very moving part. The way the actors act and portray their characters determines how well the movie will be understood and liked, and these actors did a great job of connecting to the audience.

            The next thing that makes this a good movie is the plot and the action. No body wants to watch a movie that does not have a good plot. The plot in The Hunger Games is so new and different then any other movie, that it makes the movie that much more interesting. The plot has its ups and downs, it climax, and resolution, making the movie easy to watch.

Katniss Everdeen using her signature weapon,
a bow and arrow.
            The action in the movie also makes it very interesting to see. Most action movies are very similar with guns, and explosions, but in The Hunger Games we see bow and arrows, knifes, fire, killer bugs, and poisonous berries. The movie is so different from what we have seen that it makes this movie desirable.

"The Girl on Fire" 
            Lastly, the special effects in the movie are intriguing and pull you in. There are scenes that show “Katniss, the girl on fire” and a dress up in flames. The main thing that makes The Hunger Games such a good movie is its uniqueness. It is unlike anything else that has recently been made. People do not want to see the same thing over and over, so with this new idea, it makes it a very popular movie.
            Some negatives to the movie would be the length. Many people do not like sitting in a theater for two plus hours, but in this case, the movie is so easy to watch that the length does not matter. People are willing to sit for two or three hours if the movie is worth it.

            The Hunger Games is defiantly worth it, it contains good acting, interesting plot and action, and amazing special effects. Based off the book, the movie attracts a wide audience. Children of all ages, parents, people who read the book, and people who did not. This movie can be considered a great movie, and is worth going to see.

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